All Mydoma plans include basic access to the Mydoma Visualizer. However, each studio is limited to one seat. For advanced features, the Visualizer Pro Add-On is available for purchase post-joining.Includes Stripe, Quickbooks, Facebook, Calendly, Acuity Scheduling, and thousands of integrations through Zapier.

Growing Your Business with Technology (Even When It Hates You!)

April 8, 2022

Table of Contents

Struggling with Technology?

“Technology hates me!” is a phrase I’ve noticed some designers say when I first start speaking to them about Mydoma. 

A lot of the time, I’m speaking to them because they are overwhelmed with their current client load, and have come to Mydoma for a solution. Things are falling through the cracks because they are having to access multiple systems to retrieve information. They are spending hours building out proposals, tracking down emails, and getting contracts signed – and they are finding it tough to even call prospective clients back!

If any of this sounds like you, I would just like to say that you are not the only one! You are also NEVER too old to learn something new. The truth is, computer applications designed specifically for non tech industries have been a game changer for years! Embracing new technology can help you operate at your maximum capacity, while keeping burnout at bay.

Check out below for a few important reasons even the most staunch luddite will embrace!

How Tech Keeps You Competitive

Competition encourages people to perform at a higher level, and learning something new will keep you there. How many times has new technology improved the lives of your homeowners? When was the last time you had to learn about new products coming out like the best energy efficient fridge, smart lights, or soundproofing blinds?

If you are running your own business, you are the biggest asset to your team and business.

You know that you need to keep on top of these things. If you are not staying fresh, you can bet on it that your competitor is. By using Mydoma in your business, you can dramatically reduce the laborious hours that go into managing your projects. It will save you hours on tedious work, freeing up your time so you can spend it ON your business and not IN your business.

Imagine if you were interviewing architects for your clients’ new home build. One of those architects was still drawing all his plans by hand and had to access all of your information from various email chains spread sheets and google docs. Yikes! Red flags everywhere! My first thought would be that ‘this person is going to cost a fortune” in hourly rates. And they are surely going to miss some important piece of information with all of the back and forth.

Discover how you can use Mydoma to save time & impress more clients

Benefits of Embracing Tech

Embracing new technology can help you operate at your maximum capacity, while keeping burnout at bay. The most inspiring thing about embracing technology is what YOU can do with it. It can be exciting, so have fun! Challenge your own imagination! Only you can create new ways to run your business using new high-tech know-how. It keeps your mind fresh and your business competitive.

First Impressions are Everything

Imagine booking a high-end hotel room for a well deserved holiday, and they gave you a physical key instead of a key card to get into your room? What is this, 1985? I am not knocking the key industry – those people are great! It is just not a wonderful first impression.

Showing up to a client’s home and presenting them with a well organized project will set the tone of your relationship.

Also having a systemized approach to all of your projects will imbue you with confidence. “This person has it together” is a major league first impression. It gives the client confidence in you! After all confidence is contagious, they give it to you, and you will share it with your next clients.

Have Fun with It!

Technology advances on a daily basis, and allows you to lighten your workload. This can allow you to use your brain power on mastering other projects that will propel your business.

The most inspiring thing about embracing technology is what YOU can do with it. It can be exciting, so have fun! Challenge your own imagination! Only you can create new ways to run your business using new high-tech know-how. It keeps your mind fresh and your business competitive. Freeing up your time on those mundane tasks can be a game changer – create new client leads, take on bigger projects, or maybe even curate your own wallpaper line!

Whatever dreams you have been tossing around as ‘ideas”. Time to turn them into reality!

Will robots eventually take over the world? Maybe, who knows. But you should at least educate yourself as much as possible in your industry with technology options to keep up with the changing market.

The bottom line is, so many of our users have told me that they are afraid of technology, but they are stuck. But not to worry, our user-friendly system is designed to get you up and running quickly, and our experts are here to help! After all, Mydoma was created by an interior designer FOR interior designers.

If you would like to see for yourself how you can keep up with technology and have Mydoma change your business, sign up for a demo below!

Discover how you can use Mydoma to save time & impress more clients

Written by Sarah Daniele

Sarah Daniele is the CEO and co-founder of Mydoma Studio.

Starting off her career as an interior designer, the first version of Mydoma Studio was built to fulfill a personal need. 

But after some encouragement from friends and colleagues,  Sarah traded in swatches for shoulder pads, taking up the mantle of CEO and building up Mydoma Studio for the interior design industry. 

Sarah is passionate about building tools and technology to allow interior designers to grow their businesses.

AuthorHeadshots SarahDaniele

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