All Mydoma plans include basic access to the Mydoma Visualizer. However, each studio is limited to one seat. For advanced features, the Visualizer Pro Add-On is available for purchase post-joining.Includes Stripe, Quickbooks, Facebook, Calendly, Acuity Scheduling, and thousands of integrations through Zapier.

Getting Started - Trial

The trial lasts for 15 days.
The trial version of Mydoma Studio gives you access to all of Mydoma’s features without restriction.
Simply let us know by email, phone call or using the handy chat feature within your studio before the 15 days are up that you do not wish to subscribe and we will cancel the billing.
Nope, not to worry! All information entered during the trial period will be saved.
Absolutely! We are here to help. You can use the help center for self guided set up or book a call with one of the Mydoma team members.


Yes you can subscribe to an annual plan of Mydoma at a significant savings! The starter plan prepaid for the year is $499, professional $699 and professional team $999. Contact us for Annual Agency plan.

You can move from one pricing tier to another at any time or upgrade from a monthly to annual plan. Since annual plans are prepaid for the year, changing to a monthly should be done only at the end of your year subscription.
All plans are auto-renewing but can be cancelled with 30 days notice. For more detailed information please refer to the terms and conditions.


Mydoma is a cloud based program so all that is needed is an internet connection for the desktop and mobile versions. The Visualizer portion of the program must be used from a computer or laptop.

You can access your Mydoma Studio from any device that can access the internet. The Visualizer must be accessed from a Mac or PC; tablets and other mobile devices are not supported. Using a Chrome browser is strongly suggested.

There are no limits on how much data you can store. Varied upload limits apply for individual files.